by Peter Marduk | News On the Lamb
The Myanmar (formerly Burma) government is arresting people for publishing critical posts about them on Facebook. Posting any sort of satire or criticism can get you a minimum three years in prison. One young poet is wanted by the police for suggesting a tattoo of...
by Peter Marduk | Animals, News On the Lamb
Walrus harvesting human ivory leaving decapitated heads all over the beach while wearing a tooth necklace. To learn more about the war with walruses read 25 Walruses Killed on Alaskan Beach, Beheaded and Missing Tusks
by Peter Marduk | News On the Lamb
Fleeing Syrian refugees initiating withdrawal from Arctic “doomsday” seed vault vagina in Svalbard Norway. Read more about the doomsday withdrawal here >>
by Peter Marduk | News On the Lamb
Martin Shkreli is best known for increasing the cost of the AIDS related drug Daraprim approximately 5000% while production cost remain low. In a tragic turn of events Martin has been infected with a rare case of Scrotchin Syndrome which ironically is treated with...
by Peter Marduk | News On the Lamb
Jennifer Lopez performs at iHeartRadio Music Festival with diaper rash and...